Voting in Bath County is administered by the three member Bath County Electoral Board and the General Registrar. The Code of Virginia assigns specific task to the Electoral Board and to the General Registrar. The Electoral Board oversees the election process, including selection of officers of election to work in the polling places, maintenance and programming of voting equipment and the certification of winners during the canvas.
The General Registrar maintains the list of registered voters and administers absentee voting prior to each election. Bath County, like 16 other small jurisdictions in Virginia, has a full-time Registrar. The Voter Registration office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 4:30. Since Bath County has a small population, the General Registrar also serves as an election administrator under the direction of the Electoral Board.
The Registrar does many tasks for the Electoral Board including layout and approval of ballots, ordering ballots, overseeing the voting machines, preparing supplies for the polls and helping with Officer of Election training. The legal responsibility for these assigned task remains with the Electoral Board. The Voter Registration office is closed for State and County holidays. The office is also open the two Saturdays prior to the November Election. November elections are always on the first Tuesday after the first Monday.
Voters may download many forms related to registration and voting at the State Board of Election (SBE) website. You may also check the status of your voter registration on the SBE website. At this time, Virginia does not have an online registration system, however you may complete the registration form online, and then print and mail it to the local voter registration office.
Contact Information:
Chair Karen Allen - [email protected]
Vice Chair Richard Chehovin - [email protected]
Secretary Liz Knapp - [email protected]
Phone: (540) 839-7266
Fax: (540) 839-7277
Links to SBE website:
Home: www.elections.virginia.gov
Forms: http://elections.virginia.gov/registration/voter-forms/index.html
Registration http://elections.virginia.gov/registration/index.html