Bath County has four fire departments: Bath-Highland Volunteer Fire Department, Hot Springs Volunteer Fire Association, Millboro Volunteer Fire Association, and Mountain Grove Volunteer Fire Department. These departments are all active in response and in coordinated planning efforts. Other department serving Bath County as first run are Bolar Fire Department, Churchville Fire & Rescue, and Sharon Fire Department.
Bath-Highland Volunteer Fire Department – Has two stations and eight pieces of apparatus.
Burnsville Station
8601 Muddy Run Road, Burnsville, Virginia 24487
Williamsville Station
12258 Cowpasture River Road, Williamsville, Virginia 24487
Hot Spring Volunteer Fire Association – Has one station and seven pieces of apparatus.
2670 Main Street, Hot Springs, Virginia 24445
Millboro Volunteer Fire Association – Has one station and seven pieces of apparatus.
57 TC Walker Road, Millboro, Virginia 24460
Mountain Grove Volunteer Fire Department – Has one station and six pieces of apparatus.
4940 Mountain Valley Highway, Warm Springs, Virginia 24484